23 December 2008

World War II sites and the Northern most point of Normandie

Over the next two days, we went with Elodie and her mom to explore more of Normandie. We saw some pretty amazing sites.

Battery Crisbecq - a battery of the Germans. The gun was used to fire at the Allied forces.

A memorial at Utah Beach. This was the second time that I have been to the D-Day beaches. I visited some back in 2005 during my last France visit. It's truly moving to think about what happened on these beaches, the sacrifice, the courage. I couldn't be prouder to be born on the 4th of July.

The next couple of pictures were taken on the Northern most point of Normandie. It was really beautiful. There were some hiking trails that Katie and I wished we could have hiked; maybe next time!

Elodie and her mom.


After taking some of the pictures above, we walked along what looked like a trail that soon came to an end so we had to hike up through some thorny bushes. When we got to the top we saw this sign. We had to laugh, whoops! In case you are wondering, the sign says: Danger - danger of death. It is forbidden to go down the cliffs!

Few more pics as the sun sets.
These cliffs were surrounded by farmland for miles with sheep, horses and cows. Also, in the distance here is the nucleur power plant that powers France.
A few stops along the way home...
This is a farm land that floods during the winter with all of the rain, essentially becoming a swamp, but it makes for a pretty sunset on the water.

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