29 April 2009

Videos from our travels

Prague part 1

Prague part 2

Prague part 3

Traditional band in a Prague Winery

Vienna part 1

Vienna part 2

Vienna Boys Choir



20 April 2009


Last stop, Budapest

Rolling in the Forints!

Turkish bath

Put on a shirt white boy! Or do you have a white shirt on already, oh wait that is your farmer tan. ;) I definitely felt very American with my "long" swimshorts while all the old, tan men with huge bellies had short, skin-tight, nothing left to the imagination speedos.

On our sand volleyball team back in Nashville, I was known as Sasquatch, I think you can understand why from the picture. How you doing LB's?!? Sas and Lady Sas miss you guys!

Strudel of sour cherry and plum, yum!

I think they need to find a new marketing person - under Carlsberg it reads "Probably the best beer in the world" Are you sure? You seem a little uncertain.

Now back to Bordeaux for a week then the new, wayfaring adventure begins.