28 November 2008

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!!!

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to everyone!! Unfortunately, Katie and I had a "stage" or training all day Thursday so we didn't get to celebrate on Thanksgiving Day, but Katie and I got up early the next morning to start cooking everything from scratch. This was our first attempt at making a Thanksgiving dinner.

Here's Katie working on some homemade cream of mushroom soup for the green bean casserole. I made a homemade apple pie - a true American dessert.

Post-feast Pics - Katie was very proud of her fresh, not from a can- green bean casserole and used her sister Betsy's recipe for cornbread stuffing. We also made one of my favorites: mashed potatoes and homemade gravy.

so the only thing that we burned was the marshmallows on the sweet potatoes. (We were a little busy trying to get everything warm at once) I got my momma's sweet p0tato and marshmallow recipe and even with burnt marshmallows it was a smash hit! The apple pie turned out perfect.

The menu - Betsy's cornbread stuffing, green bean casserole, turkey breast with herbes de Provence and butter. Not pictured - mashed potatoes and homemade gravy

We are very thankful for our friends!! Our flat mates were able to join us as well as a couple that we had met at the dinner at the Fronsac wineries open door weekend. Think this picture might have caught everyone except for us by surprise.

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