We were very fortunate to be invited to spend a French Christmas with Elodie's (one of our flatmates) family and had a great time. (More to come in the following blogs stay tuned!)
Our first destination, once we arrived in Normandie, was a stop at Mont Saint-Michel. Mont Saint-Michel is an abbaye (or church) and a commune that was founded on an rocky island just off the shore that is surrounded by water when the tide is high and is surrounded by sand (and quicksand, look out!) when the tide is low. After a quick picnic lunch in the parking lot and feeding the the birds, we headed up to take a look around, below is what we saw...
The view from the parking lot. Here is one of the flock of birds that came to feast on our crumbs. They must have had some practice because we threw some pieces into the air and they swooped down and caught them in mid-air. Impressive!
Mont Saint-Michel is famous for their omelettes which they make by whisking in a rythmic tapping pattern as seen and heard in this video. We did not taste them but saw people eating them in the restaurants. They looked extra puffy and extra delicious.
The tiny streets leading up to the abbaye at the top.
Some views from above...
A sculpture inside.
Looking out from the abbaye courtyard.
Our flatmates next to a large wheel (top picture) which was part of a pulley (bottom picture) that I believe was used to bring food supplies and people/guards from the bottom of the island to the top.
All along the watchtower...I think this is a really cool pic.
The chocolate Mont Saint-Michel...
...and the real Mont Saint-Michel.
After our tour of Mont Saint-Michel, we headed to Chef-du-Pont where Elodie's family lives.
Click here to see where we were at in relationship to Paris and London
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