This is what greeted me as I crossed the bridge on my bike trying to go to work...
So, who's on strike this time, you may ask?
I found out about the start of the strike last Thursday, when I went to work, set up the chairs in a cute little semi-circle (to encourage conversation) and waited...not noticing the errily empty hallways... Needless to say, it was a no-show.
Monday, I worked with a few teachers in class sizes at an ideal 6-7 :)...Tuesday, the same, and Wednesday was when I finally remembered to take my camera with me, and this is what I got on a dying battery. I was so glad I had it with me!
(ben's students)
I've been asking everyone I can, "Just what exactly are they striking?" Most of the students don't really know...or know how to explain. The teachers haven't been too clear, although this is what I've put together for their tidbits of explanations: The gov't wants to make changes from the primary level through high high school specifically, changing from the more "specialized" course-paths (kinda like college in US, where you concentrate in a certain area) to a generic education, aka less options=less need for certain teachers=bigger classes=lost jobs=gov't saves money=many frenchies very unhappy with their gov't that's not able to provide the jobs and education opportunities they need to inspire their students that there's a point to studying hard, getting good "marks," and passing the BAC (highschool exit exam) to get a job and gagner sa vie -earn a living.
I've been asking everyone I can, "Just what exactly are they striking?" Most of the students don't really know...or know how to explain. The teachers haven't been too clear, although this is what I've put together for their tidbits of explanations: The gov't wants to make changes from the primary level through high high school specifically, changing from the more "specialized" course-paths (kinda like college in US, where you concentrate in a certain area) to a generic education, aka less options=less need for certain teachers=bigger classes=lost jobs=gov't saves money=many frenchies very unhappy with their gov't that's not able to provide the jobs and education opportunities they need to inspire their students that there's a point to studying hard, getting good "marks," and passing the BAC (highschool exit exam) to get a job and gagner sa vie -earn a living.
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