Katie and I were pumped for today. We were about to explore two great mysteries that still cannot be explained today: the stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge. Everyone has heard of Stonehenge but many don't know about it's brother in Avesbury which is older and encompasses a larger area. Feeling adventurous, Katie and I passed on the expensive organized tour that would only take you to Stonehenge and Old Sarum, an old Iron Age Hill Fort used by the Romans and Normans. Instead, we bought a regional bus pass for the day, determined to see both circles on our own, and headed North to Avebury.

The stones were massive. Truly impressive to try to imagine how they moved them.

Another view of the same rock.
Kind of odd that one of them had a heart shape design in it.

This is the same rock with the heart shape design in it. Katie next to it to give you some perspective on its size.

This picture does not do this tree and its roots justice. It was so cool looking, straight out of a fairy tale or something made up. Must have held some meaning to people as many had tied different color ribbons to the branches.

An inn and tavern in Avebury. Notice the straw thatched roof.

At the bus stop, Katie was laughing really hard at this so I had to snap a pic. Dragon Inn "fish & chips and Chinese take away." Nothing goes with fish & chips like a little General Tso's.

We decide to warm up once we got to Amesbury (the closest town to Stonehenge) and have our first English pub food experience.

Check out the first course under "Mains," uhhhhhh...Katie and I never tried them but we found out that Faggots are essentially meatballs made of off-cuts of meat, usually pork.
After lunch, we hopped in a taxi for a short ride out to Stonehenge. Katie and I opted not to pay the entrance fee for a three reasons 1) you can't actually go up to the stones any longer. 2) the trail that you are allowed to walk on is seriously about a foot away from where you stand outside the fence 3) the view is almost the same.

You're Welcome!
After taking in the Stonehenge, we decided to walk back to Amesbury to catch the bus back to Salisbury. That night, we relaxed back at the hostel after a long day in the cold. We had created a list of foods that we wanted to try, one on the list was clotted cream (basically a very thick cream). Our hostel had clotted cream ice cream so we decided to give it a whirl. How do you make clotted cream taste even better (and worse for you)?? Yep, make it into an ice cream.

(yup, it's just a little guy) :) Before...


...after. Oh yeah, it's good, it's really good!