sunday picnic in a medieval village-view overlooking the tops of the buildings

i love the rock buildings and contrasting colors!

happy us!

we picked fresh figs for dessert

we had a very persistant friend join us! he knew where to find some good food!

pass the pâté, please! (lower right corner) we are drinking "bourru" which is wine in its early stages of fermantation-when the yeast is eating the sugars and creating alcohol and carbonation-making it fizzy! yuuuummmmyyyy!

medieval monolithic church which we toured--a large portion of it was built from one huge piece of rock which they dug out of the ground, also creating the catacombs where the monk after whom the city was named used to live and pray and heal.

awhh, they're so cute! our roomies.

awhh, we're so cute :)
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