Breakfast at the campsite before moving up north to the town of Echternach, Luxembourg.

Rain, rain go away.

City center and some pictures around town.

This picture needs some explaining...Katie and I were starving after skipping lunch and in a true American moment we stopped by a tex-mex place that boasted jalepeno poppers on the menu. Unfortunately they no longer served them so Katie and I decided on a tex-mex pizza and a tex-mex burger. The above picture shows what was left by the time we finally got around to taking a picture of the food.

After finishing the food Katie said "man that was so good I could get another." I said "done." When I ordered another pizza, the waiter said with raised eyebrows "another?!?" We got a picture this time round.

More pictures around town.

An after-dinner stroll to Germany. We are on a bridge over the river that runs by the city. Katie is on the Luxembourg side and I am on the Germany side. I totally jumped back and forth over the line saying "I'm in Germany, I'm in Luxembourg, I'm in Germany"

Sunset on the river Sauer.
By chance, we were in Echternach for their most famous day called Magno Tripudio. Not sure the exact meaning but I think it is related to a pilgrimage of some sort. People dance in lines wearing white shirts and black pants parading through the streets, while a band in front of them plays the same tune over and over. This goes on for 4 or 5 hours!
We got tired just watching them. Refreshing with the first Dr. Pepper I have seen since I left the states.
Also a little hungry we picked up a pastry.
The marching band.

The parade of dancers.
Along on a hike by a nearby lake.
The Patton museum.
Inside the museum.
If you get a chance, click on this picture to blow it up and read some of Patton's sayings. Some good stuff in there.
Next stop was Vianden, the place of a castle and Victor Hugo's home during his exile from France.

Saint that protects the town from floods.
Rodin's sculpture of Victor Hugo.

Inside the house of Victor Hugo, his bedroom and study overlooking the river and castle on the hill.

A photo and note from the man.

I think this is a cool signature.

The pastry looked better than it tasted. Thought it was chocolate but ended up being...well I'm still not sure.
Castle kitchen.

At the castle they had a caricature and cartoon contest. This years theme was being green. Here are some of the ones that we liked.
Don Quixote.

Back in Echternach, we noticed this monument to the soldiers of world war II that freed Echternach. USA! USA! USA!

Another picture of us on the bridge between the two contries.
On the way back into town after a little hike in Germany, we noticed that the roads were being cleared by the police. We didn't know why but all of sudden, a small group of cyclists came through followed by a car with a sign that said Tour de Luxembourg!!! We said well that wasn't that many cyclists. The small group was the leader pack, followed a few minutes later by the rest of the pack!!! Pictures of the rest of the pack are below.
Random that we saw this race but it was exciting to cheer them on!!! Next stop, Normandie to see our Bordeaux flatmates again and celebrate 65 years since that heroic day.